Dudes (and dudettes) I dig


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(L to R):  Dizzy Gillespie, Jon Faddis, Freddie Hubbard, Jimmy Owens and Wynton Marsalis


You should be in a 2-frame setting with musicians in the left panel and this in the right.  If you are not, click here.

This is a collection of biographies about my favorite musicians.  This isn't a list of the "best" or "most famous", or what-have-you.  This is just a list of personal favorites. I realize that many incredible musicians, such as Charles Mingus, Duke Ellington, and Fats Navarro are not on here.

Click on anyone from the left hand frame to read his or her (or their) biography.  
Musicians are listed alphabetically by first name.  Within each biography, you will also find names of musicians linked, which is linked to that person's respective biography.  If you see an italicized hyperlink, that is a record.  Click it to view it.  NOTE: pictures of records will open in separate windows.  

At the bottom of many biographies are outside links pertaining to that artist.  Clicking these will open a new window.  I cannot guarantee that these links are there.  I check them from time to time, but not THAT regularly.  If the link is dead and you want to know more about the artist, I recommend going to a good search engine.

The left-hand frame is a master list of all musicians and groups.  You may separate them by instrument by clicking on one of instruments listed at the bottom of that frame, or else by clicking one of the instruments below:

Saxophone    Trumpet     Piano    Drums    Bass     Vocals    Big Band Leaders    Groups    Others         Master     Home


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